Justice for Bus Accident Victims in New Mexico

Get Help From an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Thousands of bus accidents happen every year. Due to their large size and the number of people involved, bus collisions often lead to devastating results, including catastrophic injuries and fatalities. To make matters worse, some bus passengers may be standing or seated without a safety belt, increasing the risk of severe injuries and death.

Victims of bus accidents can include passengers on the bus, people boarding or exiting the bus, other motorists on the road and their passengers, people on bicycles, scooters or motorcycles, and pedestrians.

Bus companies and their insurance companies can fight tooth-and-nail to deny personal injury and wrongful death claims. Or sometimes, they might extend an offer that is significantly less than what the claim is worth.

If you or a loved one fell victim to a bus collision and have serious injuries, please contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. A knowledgeable attorney can ensure that you understand your legal right and options, thoroughly investigate and examine the facts of your case, and hold the responsible parties accountable.

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Common Injuries Resulting from Bus Accidents

Victims of bus collisions often sustain very serious injuries.

  • Broken bones or fractures
  • Burns
  • Injuries of the neck and back
  • Scarring
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

In addition, bus accidents are often fatal, constituting wrongful death.

These are just a few of the devastating outcomes that can result from a bus collision, and any of these serious injuries could turn someone's life upside-down.

Then there’s the financial burden. Who will pay for costly treatment? What happens if you can’t work due to injuries? These are just a couple of questions that you might want answers to when injured in a bus accident.

Should You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

In an ideal world, motor vehicle injury claims would be handled quickly and fairly. Unfortunately, this is often not the case.

Without the expertise of a personal injury attorney, you may not receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses. As bills pile up, you may feel pressured to accept a low-ball offer from the insurance company.

But consider this: on average, people who hire an attorney to represent them often settle for 2-3 times higher amounts than going it alone. Attorney Rob Baskerville has successfully resolved bus accident cases in New Mexico and would be honored to help you.

Don't worry about your bus accident for another minute. Take the time to call Baskerville Law at (505) 247-2774 today for your free, confidential, no-obligation consultation. We will listen to your story, answer your questions, and let you know if hiring a personal injury attorney is even in your best interest.

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